We are the ones we've been waiting for: The Full Moon in Cancer

The Full Moon is January 1st in 11 degrees of Cancer.  1-1-2018=11  1/1/11 at 11 degrees. This full moon is also called the wolf full moon.  The lone wolf that is, hungry for something that we don't quite yet have. 

The energy of this Full Moon is about being the one we’ve been waiting for, it's about accepting what we have in the present. 

This full moon is ruled by feminine energy setting the tone for the whole year. 

Jupiter and Mars are both in Scorpio.  Black Moon Lilith, Venus and Pluto being conjunct the Sun in Capricorn which is a feminine sign. 

Use the inspiration you got from Sagittarius season, Mercury is still here re-treading over the territory it covered during the retrograde, to carry you through.


We may find it difficult but necessary to be alone or take space from certain people.

Worse yet you may find yourself feeling lonely even while being surrounded by people.

Capricorn represents the harsher parent that drives one to get the work done, the Sun, our ego is here.  

We need to take space to cleanse the internal self critic that seeks to hold us back out of fear that we will fail.

Cancer represents the softer, loving and intuitive side.  The Moon rules Cancer and so it is amplified here.  Make time for your intuitive hits to shine through.  You know the internal work that needs to be done more than anyone else.  Take space for you.

  Pluto which acts as an unearthing force is conjunct the Sun, as is Venus which acts as a Energetic vessel of how we like to give and receive when we interact. 

Where have we felt like we can't ask for what we want? 

Where have we judged our own desires? 

Where do we dishonor ourselves to make things flow well for others?

This Super moon reflects our inner emotional wounds that need to be addressed so that we can step up our game in the new year.

Can we heal more of our heart? 

The things we didn't get from our parents or society..can we leave the past behind, leave behind the idea of perfection. 

Can we truly look at what is holding us back from our future?

Will we allow ourselves to be “the one”, instead of seeking outside ourselves for something to hopefully fill us up.

This is the time.

"Self-doubt, self-negation, self-sabotage. Excruciatingly self-conscious. The glare of the spotlight falls upon chronic unconscious syndromes. Places where hiding in massive dysfunction seems to be the only security and safety.

Yet in the end being stopped by little shadow dwellers just becomes too painful for you to rationalize any further. And the freakish syndromes you tried so hard to pawn off on everything else come back home to be uprooted with deep, sober will."

Elias Longsdale on the 11 degree of Cancer where the Full Moon is at.  Look to where 11 degrees of Cancer is for you to get more information.  As always you can book your reading with me here or a free call to learn more.

Happy Full Mooning,


Abigail Barella