About Abigail:

Since 2003 Abigail has been an avid student of Astrology, in 2004 this message was affirmed when a mentor appeared in the form of an amazing teacher at her college, who also moonlighted as an Astrologer and taught Abigail so much… The next mentor was a Jungian Psychologist who immediately recognized Abigail as a carrier of Jung’s work and offered her so much guidance on her path.

In 2013 three events happened that dramatically shifted the trajectory of Abigails work:

1. She gave birth to her third child Cupid a massively expanding home birth at 2.5 weeks “late”

2. She lost both her birth parents (father in 2013 and mother terminal cancer in 2013 she then died in May 2014)

3. She received the information and the courage necessary to start Sparkle and Shine Guidance at the time she was working under one of her mentors in the Ancient Energetic Practices of BPI(Berkley Psychic Institute)

It was then that she decided that Sparkle and Shine Guidance was her life’s work.

Abigail has helped thousands of people from all walks of life since 2009 along with some famous names in the world to hone their magic and Shine even Brighter by combining the Astrology with the somatic works that came through her own healing journey, being a yoga teacher and many amazing teachers in the field.

And so it is.

Read Testimonials here


Listen to this interview if you’d like to hear more about Abigails background: