5 things about Autumn Equinox from an Energetic Perspective
Happy Autumn Equinox.
As we begin to settle into fall here are five things that you may find helpful to know about Autumn Equinox.
1. Understanding the Earth's cycles aligns you more positively with the current energies.
We are of this Earth after all.
The Autumn Equinox is exact when the Sun moves into Libra. The constellation for which is the balanced scales.
This year that takes place at about 1pm PST on Friday the 22nd.
Celebrating the Equinox does not need to happen at the exact time obviously.
The energy is present for a while. And it is a powerful time to gather with your community.
For many, many, many, years we paid less attention to the calendar and more attention to the moon and the stars and the sun.
2. We Can Come Back to Ourselves
Energetically and health wise it can be so fulfilling to come back to our inherent wisdom and respect of the stars, the moon and the sun.
Paying attention to the equinox and the solstice is a great starting point.
As we begin to turn away from the sun's external light, it is a time that we must go within.
For many the last solar eclipse in August was a huge awakening to the logic of paying attention to the sun, moon and stars as our guides.
Watching what phase the moon is in, where the sun is in the sky and learning how to find the north star.
Trust me when your four year old can point out the big dipper it is deeply satisfying.
"There is an earthly sun, which is the cause of all heat, and all who are able to see may see the sun; and those who are blind and cannot see him may feel his heat. There is an Eternal Sun, which is the source of all wisdom, and those whose spiritual senses have awakened to life will see that sun and be conscious of His/Her existence; but those who have not attained spiritual consciousness may yet feel His/Her power by an inner faculty which is called Intuition." Paracelsus
3. Time slows as the sun and night are balanced.
When time slows we are able to become more receptive and reflective.
We are given more space to integrate and re-balance.
We may find that we need more rest and that rest gives us the opportunity to feel into the season more fully.
The science is that heat speeds time up and cold slows time down.
At the start of fall time we get to experience a little bit of both.
Enjoying both aspects are important so taking a personal wellness day on a warmer sunny day in the fall is completely acceptable, at least in my book. And staying home in pajamas all day on rainy day off is equally important, the energy speaks if we listen.
4. We are all just big magnets, use that knowledge wisely.
It's all about M-A-G-N-E-T-I-S-M
The North and South Poles are big fucking magnets. We are magnets too.
When the Autumn Equinox occurs we get an opportunity to either disconnect or tap in deeper.
We all create our own reality, we attract what we believe so that we can be affirmed of that belief(that is the magnet part).
Stop watching the news, stop mumbling things about nuclear war, start meditating. Make some prayer flag mantras, write yourself love notes. Stay high vibe.
Unplug get outside barefoot feel the magnet of the Earth communing with the magnetic part of you. Feed the Earth, feed yourself on that medicine.
If we all did this, we'd be fine. Please for the love of all that is holy stop repeating non-sense.
Focus on what matters, release the rest.
5. The Earth is not Round....sorry to burst your bubble.
The Earth bulges in the middle due to gravity and rotation.
This is called the equatorial buldge. Yup I said it the Earth has a buldge.
When we are at the Autumn equinox the sun's equator matches our buldge. It can be a great time for abundance and inner wisdom coming through.
As we go deeper into winter the Northern hemisphere tilts away from the sun's center until the next Equinox at Springtime.
I hope you all have a beautiful start to Fall.
If you'd like to work with me this fall it is an excellent time to feel into more of your inherent gifts and opportunities.
I offer a package that includes your astrological chart reading and Intuitive healing to get more into more of your own Sparkle and Shine.
Infinite Love,