Full Moon in Taurus

Sensual and Intense.….Scorpio and Taurus partying together at the Full Moon.

The Full Moon in the first degree of Taurus as the Sun just moved into the first degree of Scorpio has a polarity of “mine and yours”.


Taurus represents personal resources: time, money, belongings, mental capacities.

Scorpio represents shared resources: time, money, belongings, joint communication of these things.

This Full Moon highlights the need for healthy boundaries and re-visiting the way we use our personal and shared resources.

This Full Moon also makes a exact square to the North and South Nodes in Leo and Aquarius respectively. The Nodes of the Moon represent our collective dharma and karma as a society. So this full moon is not just personal it highlights societal needs as well.

All the fixed signs are stubborn as fuck. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.

The problem here is that we as humans are meant to move things through.

When the full moon in fixed signs squares fixed nodes we may be forced to shift through conflict, through drama, through chaos.

It’s important to know where 1 degree of Taurus, then Scorpio, then Leo, then Aquarius is for you.

Issues may come to the surface in these houses for you to create motion, forgiveness, peace, and growth.

The Sun will be conjunct Venus in Scorpio that is currently retrograding highlighting issues in love and money.

The Moon will be conjunct Uranus in Taurus which highlights sudden shifts to your emotional states.

May the force be with you!

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