New Moon in Sagittarius

The New Moon on December 6th at 11:20pm in 15 degrees of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is the last of the fire signs, the mutable fire that asks us to transcend and expand.


There are a few major aspects that make this New Moon more intense than usual.

We are all ushering in powerful new energies to our personal and collective consciousness.

Mercury will go direct just hours before this New Moon bringing in some clarity and forward momentum.

Jupiter in the first decan of Sagittarius is right there straddling this New Moon’s connection to Mercury Direct in Scorpio. Jupiter is bringing us luck and opportunity if we stay open to possiliblities and transforming the old stories.

Mars in Pisces and Neptune in Pisces will be conjunct each other which brings activity to our subconscious needs and drives. Our dreams will have information for us if we listen.

Both Mars and Neptune in Pisces are squaring this Sagittarius New Moon which is a challenging aspect for a New Moon however both are mutable which allows movement and change.

What are you finally ready to leave behind in 2018?

This is the time to do it. It is the last New Moon before Eclipse Season of January. Sagittarius asks us to set our sights on new goals for a new season.

It’s time to shine brighter.

Want a year ahead personalized recording for 2019? These are only available in limited quantity through December so order yours today.