Pisces Season Horoscopes

Here are the horoscopes for Pisces Season. 

If you know your sun, moon and rising zodiac sign than you will want to read each one of those. 

Pisces time is all about the deepest waters of our consciousness, it's the last season of winter.  And as a mutable sign is brings changes and shifts to our thinking and emotional states. 

Pisces season is all about upgrades to our personal and collective landscapes in the areas of
Intuition, Consciousness, Spirituality,  Downloading Info from Beyond, Meditation, Rest, Dreaming,  Healing so that we come to Spring Equinox next month we are ready to take off.

Without a doubt this is the best time to invest your energy into my Sparkle and Shine Success Program, read more about it here

Read a recent interview on what I do and why



Here Aries you may find yourself in the space between realms where your inner trust is most required.  What has your warrior spirit kept hidden in your own brain about you.  The opportunity is here to show you where you need to trust yourself more.  The changes just keep rolling in, just when you think you can avoid them.  Your confidence and drive will not lead you astray but you actually have to believe that you can do all this.  Within you there is a guiding light that others don’t have access to, this light is ready to be set in the right direction.  This is your superpower: faith in the beginnings and now it is time to consider starting out, again.  It’s time to bring that thing, that idea that is currently in between your ears bumping into things up there, it’s time to take it and birth it into a reality.  Because you know they say YOLO but who really believes that, certainly not you.  Nonetheless it’s still time for you to venture into the unknown, lead the way.  You are a self-starter, so tell me what is it time for you to embark on?  This is the time to work the ideas into a solid plan.


Taurus I’m so curious how you’ve been, the winter’s been a little rough on you, but not to worrying Spring is coming soon.  , Let's just jump right in here, how are things going in your financial area?  Things will be improving especially with your strong work ethic and attention to solid structures.  The flowers and the sun will have you singing beautiful songs again.  This season is about you preserving your creative energies until that time comes around again.  If things aren’t going as well as they could be, how can you find more balance?  Your time is your currency Taurus, are you spending it on making space for what matters most to you?   Are you making art?  Do you get enough alone time?  The boundaries you set right now are going to help with the structures necessary to improve all areas that need your attention.  Be strategic with your resources and take some alone to time to plan out whatever is needed some love in your life.



The time has come for you to put your energies and gifts into action for the greater good.  It might be a good idea for you to join a team effort of some kind, where you can share what you have to offer to a bigger audience.  There you will find harmony in your participation as long as you remember to use your skills for the highest good and not to get caught up chatting about unnecessary things.  I know Gem, there’s always two sides to a story but it doesn’t mean that you’re the one that needs to communicate that other story.  Focus on the tasks at hand and you will be amazed at what comes through at this time.  This is a time to move into a new aspect of your skill set.  Hone those tools because you are magic.  Because of this, it makes your responsibility far greater to focus on the unicorns and sparkly rainbows.  Not the chaos and darkness.  What people love about you Gemini is that you can make anyone feel light and sparkly.   It’s time for you to really shine, cause goodness knows this world needs more rainbows and unicorns.



Just look at how far you’ve come Cancer, where were you last year at this time?  Really indulge yourself in celebrating all that you have overcome and how different your life looks now than a year or two ago.  When you can really recognize that security is an illusion that this world has never been able to offer us.  That's when you will see that you have had everything that you have ever needed to feel at home right within your sweet little own shiny shell.  You are here and here is so much better than there.  You’ve been there and you aren’t going back.  Keep reminding yourself of that.  Your thoughts are the seeds and your body is fertile ground right now, begin building from the space of appreciation.  And watch what makes it's way to you.  Your ego is getting an upgrade so just chill and rest assurd knowing that no one knows anything that you don't, we are all just floating in space on a ball of dirt that is filled with fire.  And that is precisely why we need your watery insight.  So just own your magic already.



Silence and space are what you most need right now and when I say that I can already hear you moaning Leo.  What is it about retreating that makes you most annoyed?  The time has come to retreat in order to hone your skills, tend to your inner spark so that when the fire time arrives again you can shine.  Focus on your attunement, alignment.  The creations that need your attention, the relationships that require care and thoughtfulness this is how you may want to spend these watery days.  This is your only real season to hibernate, my lion so use it wisely.  Your time is your energy, harness that shit by sleeping in and letting your hair get messy.  “Time changes, the world goes on changing, but the experience of silence, the joy of it, remains the same. That is the only thing you can rely upon, the only thing that never dies. It is the only thing that you can call your very being.”



The time has come to sift again dear Virgo.  Reach down deep and pull up that which has been clogging your brain and release, release, release.  How do you do this you may ask, but you already know.  Emotions may be super tricky for you this season, reach out to your healers.  The full moon on March 1st is in your sign bringing with it some of your shadows and fears.  But you totally got this.  Work to release resistance in your body and your mind will follow suit.  Your mind can follow your body so lead it the right way by eating well and working out if you can.  Pisces season is the best time for you to try a new physical activity. This is especially necessary if you have been finding yourself criticising everyone around you but not looking to discover what’s happening within the confines of your own mind and body.  The wheel of life is within you, your choice is which direction you choose to tune it to.  Will it be judgement, criticism and blame or will it be to health, joy and service to the greater good?  The choice is yours.



There are these times in our life where our inner skills, our innate senses of right and wrong are necessary.  This is one of those times Libra.  Your sign is represented by balanced scales, however in order to seek that inner balance we sometimes swing to imbalance so that we can recalibrate those scales.  This season may not be as smooth and beautiful as you like seasons to be but there is so much to learn in this space.  Your innate skills of right and wrong are being tested.  Your belief systems, who you are at your core and delusions in all kinds of relationships are all themes that may come up for you the Pisces season.  Stay strong because this season has purpose so take notes.  Stay loyal to your own process, not to anyone else’s but also be open to learn more about the world outside of your own mind.  Just because something is true for you it does not mean it's true for everyone else.  Keep learning and growing.  Come spring time you will be stronger and moving farther ahead than you can imagine now.



Well friend expecting a slight jolt this season will be the best way to prepare yourself.  Jupiter is still cruising through your sign opening doors you thought were jammed shut.  For better or worse old Jup’s coming in and blasting those doors wide open.  Stay in your power through the transformation and you will do just fine.  No one can take your power away from you without your permission, so don't give it this watery season.  Some form of expression is asking to come through you and this process isn’t always pleasant.  Trust the intuitive senses, dreams and images that are coming through.  I always say creativity springs from darkness from the feelings of emptiness.  You’re sure to be full of creativity this season.  This is more of your spiritual training process and fortunately these lessons keep bringing us to more wholeness.  “The key is to abandon oneself to the energy that fuels the birth of all things.” Osho  We are a conduit for a bigger purpose.



Ok ok this may not be the easiest season for any of us Sag but it’s sure got some things to teach us.  For someone like you who sees so many possibilities and so many options it can be challenging to have the Sun move through Pisces because it expands these options even more.  Both Sagittarius and Pisces are mutable which means it can be hard to stick with something, everything is changing.  You want freedom, you want success but it is a time where it’s hard to focus on exactly what’s going to bring you a renewed sense of that happiness.   You may even become aware of your own blocks to happiness at this time, which also means there is a possibility to clear out those blocks as well.  Where do you need to release some beliefs about what everyone else wanted you to be?  How you defined yourself to fit others needs?  What beliefs are you ready to burn away so that you can know your true essence?  Stick to three small goals this season and leave the rest of the time to dream and release.  “Those who remain content easily remain small: small are their joys, small are their ecstasies, small are their silences, small is their being. But there is no need! This smallness is your own imposition upon your freedom, upon your unlimited possibilities, upon your unlimited potential.” Osho



Your whole existence is currently in review, am I right?  Your shadow, your light, your strength to keep pushing through are all being spread out for you to look at and integrate.  Saturn, Black Moon Lilith and Pluto slowly moving through your sign is putting the pressure on an already heavy feeling sign such as yourself.  Don't let the weight of everything that needs to get done separate you from your need to just exist as a content being on this planet.  Don't you deserve contentment?  You’ve got to find ways to lighten up a little this season Capricorn.  You may think things need to get done, so there is no time to play.  The opposite is true.  The more you focus on struggle the more it will show up to prove it.  The more you play and lighten up the more you can bring that play to your work.  Your existence is much more important that your work, because it defines your work.  How are you existing right now?  You are strong we know this but can you also be flexible?



This is a season of completion for you Aquarian love.   The final piece is coming together for you to wrap up something that has had a hold on your creative energy for far too long.   It's time to recognize how much energy you spend on others and on thoughts that aren’t serving you.  Are you finally ready to clear some room for all the new goodness that is about to come your way?  Good, you may want to affirm that by stating what you are done with and how excited you are to see what the universe brings your way next.  Then believe and watch.  If you succeed in doing all that you are going to be so pleased this season Aquarius.  A clear subconscious channel is necessary for you to bring forward those amazing inventive ideas, visions and creations.  What baggage needs to go so that you can bring us more gems from beyond?  This is the season to finally let go.


Stop putting things off Pisces, this is your season for goodness sakes.  This is your time to shine.  Sure this may appear as a major challenge but we all know that challenges are really just opportunities.  And what an amazing opportunity you have this season Pisces.  Everything is lining up in your favor, so there is no time to waste.  Your authority is being called upon.  The real question here is whether you are strong enough within yourself to not attempt to control others so that you feel safer, Pisces.  You are an expert in emotions we all know this well, it doesn’t mean that you should attempt to use this gift as a way to feel superior or to manipulate others.   When you are called upon to lead(and you will be in some way this season), make sure you lead as a guardian not as a authoritarian.  Leading as a guardian will bring you to your true gifts and opportunities, don’t postpone anything.   


Infinite Love,
