New Moon in Pisces

The Pisces New Moon conjunct the wounded healer Chiron on March 17th at 6:11am PST

Oh here we go.

This new moon is sure to stir up some serious soul wounds.  

Chiron is the archetype of endless painful lessons that keep showing up in our lives and can make us feel abandonded by God /ess.  Oh goodie, right? 

As always with Chiron though these wounds don’t get stirred up for you to suffer, they get stirred up as an opportunity for you to heal even more.  Yay.  

These lessons have a capacity to help us open up to others and help them with their pain.  Hopefully it makes us want to relieve the pain that we see out in the world around us.


This New Moon means the Sun and Moon are both in mutable watery Pisces.  This New Moon is also forming a square to Mars in Sagittarius, another mutable sign but a fire mutable which brings transformations to how we move forward to which direction we choose to take.

Simply plan for some process time. 

Allowing some of these wounds to come to the surface for healing.   Escaping this is an option, but not a wise one.

As we get closer to the renewal of Spring Equinox and Aries season this last bit of purging and integration becomes necessary. This is a great time to start a Spring cleanse and clear out your skeletons in the closet both literally and metaphysically.  A great time to work with me.

Jupiter has turned retrograde you can check out my video on that here.  Jupiter is in another water sign, Scorpio.  The New Moon is trining Jupiter in Scorpio bringing even more emotions and transformations both to our relationships but also to our internal landscape of what past beliefs we are ready to shed.

What self-awareness or personal discoveries are coming up for you?

What are you dreaming about?  Is there any symbolism to your current situation?

  What reflections in your relationships are getting lit up?  Journal it up.

Then set new intentions for Spring.