New Moon in Aries and Mercury Direct

The New Moon in Aries is on Sunday April 15th in 26 degrees.

This fire sign new moon is the spark of awareness.  It occurs the same day that the planet of conscious awareness and processing, Mercury goes direct.

The New Moon energy is most potent 24 before and after the exact time.  This is the time to set some serious intention for the next six months when Mars will be going direct in September.  Check out my meditation at the bottom of this post.

This powerful new moon forces us into change.  The structures that never worked are falling in so that we can re-build.  Set powerful intentions that inspire.

Being aware of how your inner chaos is matching up to outer chaos in the world is going to bring you the best that this New Moon has to offer you.

The greatest fear that we all hold is how powerful we are, it's time to release and reset.

When we have a new moon that is connected to Uranus(who rules the sign of Aquarius) we can't help but be aware of a quick shift to our selves and society.  Explosive changes are coming, so watch where you point that thing.  The New Moon being conjunct Uranus in Aries is kinda a big deal, but it isn't the only big deal.

Changes are here and they are going to keep coming.  That is the only constant.  This is energizing New Moon with a high energy that reminds of to be cautious of our mindset, of our actions, of who we show up as in this world.

Lit a fire and burn shit basically.....Changes are healthy.   And move a little slower be aware of the higher chance of accidents and mishaps.    So it's a  great time to start working with me.


The next player in this New Moon is Pluto in Capricorn.  Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld, he's a power hungry alchemist.  He is the ruler of Scorpio where we have Jupiter retrograding and showing us our inner shadow.  When Pluto shows himself to you there is no mistaking him or his magnetism. 

It's where we feel the power over us and if we alchemize it, we can find our own inner power as well.

Mars is right there conjunct Pluto squaring this New Moon as well.   Mars is the ruler of Aries it inspires us to act, sometimes impulsively so.  This is the time to set intention for your next actions and review all the sides.  Look at your "why".  Then see if there are any nuggets of wisdom being exposed to you in understanding your motives.

Finally Chiron will be shifting signs on April 17th so wounds may be surfacing for healing and integration.  Read my other blog post on that here

Basically if you have more Earth and Fire or a strong Uranus influence or Aquarius will likely be feeling this moon the most.  Or maybe just all of us. 

I will have a blog post up on Saturn Retrograde which also begin on April 17th so check back soon.

Below you will find my crazy Aries new moon video which is an exact representation of the energy this week.  And my meditation for setting intentions at the new moon. 

Also last chance to join me on a cosmic journey through the zodiac $36 for the YEAR. 

Free meditation and activity to use the new moon to set intentions for yourself this month.



Abigail Barella