Horoscopes for Cancer Season

Welcome to the official start of summer, to Cancer season. 

Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign.

Cardinal signs start a season.  Cancer starts us into summer with the solstice on June 21st.

Cancer is the most intuitive and nurturing sign of the zodiac.  The mama of the zodiac it is the sign that is also very protective and home based.

However it doesn't necessarily mean that we will be drawn to just sit home all Cancer season, actually quite the opposite.

The crab quickly learns that home is where the heart is and that you can wander while still learning to find comfort in within the comfort of your own shell, your soul.

Cancer is  ruled by the moon, it is a powerful time to visit the ocean as it is at the tides of the ocean where the moon and the water meet and can communicate their message to you for Cancer season.


Themes for the season are:

Boundaries, trusting our intuition, self-care and mothering ourselves are all a apart of this time frame.


Our emotions are our navigation system, learning to listen is the best gift we can give ourselves this season.

Check out this special offer for Summer So(u)lstice:

Purchase a full astrological birth chart and receive a mid-summer complementary follow-up.


Cancer Season Horoscopes:


Please read your sun moon and rising sign if you know them.  If you are interested in learning more about astrology check out Sparkle and Shine Astrology School for beginners or ongoing students of the science of Astrology




How nice it is for you Aries, getting some sun and fun of all that summertime can bring.  Summer is supposed to be fun and yet it may take a little bit more process time this start of summer so that you can truly enjoy what summer has to offer you.  The planet that rules your sign is about to take off for vacation which is forcing you, speedy gonzales, to slow your speed and to really feel your feeling. UGG.  I know exactly what you want to hear right? But you have been carrying these burdens for far too long, this is the time to rebalance and rebuild. So where are all these damn emotions coming from anyways?  Chiron the archetype of the wounded healer is going to be with you for quite a while so it’s best to just accept that right now is about healing and the only way to heal is to feel. Where is that emotion? Where does it live in your body?  Look at it, feel it. So that faster than an arrow it will leave as quick as it came in. By the way archery would be a great sport to take up while you are sorting through all this big stuffs. Starting up a new hobby can help mediate all this crazy.




No one can tell you that you don’t work hard Taurus and yet you may need to acknowledge that you’ve been far too stubborn within your idea of your work.  I know that this is difficult, believe me I know. But fear cannot keep you from this transformation, these amazing changes that you are about to undergo. Fear can only slow you down.  The time has come to clear from your mind the old ways and allow the new ways to come in as quick as lightning to bring you changes and abundance. This is the fresh start. The world is at your door, are you going to answer or are you going to wait until it stops knocking so that you can go back to sorting through your sock drawer?   Let the stars be your guide, if you can find the beauty in a shooting star then you can understand that not everything is meant to stay exactly how it was, there is beauty and grace in movement, in release. It’s time to banish the old beliefs and start to become more like everything else in the world, in a state of constant and beautiful flux.  Your sign is involved in a major grand fixed cross that is crumbling past structures that are no longer functioning so it’s best to just allow the break-up of old energies.




We all experience pain in our lives, Gemini.  What separates us is in how we all respond to this pain.  Do we create a story about the pain, do we try to intellectualize our way out of it or do we simply allow ourselves to feel it.  For a mind driven sign such as yourself it can be easier to create stories than it is to simply feel into the emotions. The human experience of pain is universal, yet the felt experience of that pain is unique to every single being on this planet.  Creating stories around our pain can keep us from really feeling into the emotion the pain brings about. Now don’t get me wrong, there is power in our stories but we cannot bypass the emotions because they are the paint to the canvas. Let yourself paint freely this season, get the nurturing that you deserve.  Your gift is in transforming the emotions that arise into stories and lessons. So consider these next few weeks as an excellent skill building activity. If you can stick with your emotions and let them guide you through this transformation, you will grow immensely. There is so much for you to process at this time, so set some time aside for processing, feeling and journaling.  I can’t wait to see what you create from these season’s experiences.




Oh my dear crab friends, put your pinchers up to the sky, this is your season.   This is a time to clean out your closets and break free of any restraints that keep you on protection mode.  Those pinchers can really injure someone so take the time to look at your self-protection strategies that have in the end injured yourself and others.  No other sign struggles with self protection quite the same as you. Your gifts and talents are so needed in this world at this time, yet if you are still in self-protection mode no one will know what you have to offer.  And what you have to offer is pure magic, so please do share it. Maybe it’s time to treat yourself to some kind of cleansing treatment like a massage, or a pedicure or an energy healing session. Something that will assist you in clearing the debris of the past so that you can move into this summer with confidence.  Life is short, please do not spend it all hiding away in that beautiful shell of yours. As the sign of the mother you can sometimes carry the weight of the world on your back without even knowing you are doing it, take time for play and self-care to remember that all is well. To remember that your spiritual and emotional wellbeing is your responsibility.  The full moon at the end of June may have you on hyper-critical mode, please remember that perfection is an illusion that no one can live up to.




Ok my playful lion, it’s officially time for you to map out a better strategy for your life.  Get to it! In the past, your sorrows have originated from the betrayal of your own intuition.  The sun rules your sign Leo and it shines a light onto truth, that fact cannot be escaped. Your emotions, your body, your life is speaking to you and it requires your honesty and determination.  You are being shown the way and yet you still question yourself. Apollo is the ruling God of this sign. He is youthful, he brings the light and he knows how to party. And yet he is also a powerful oracle and healer.  So Leo, how do you want to utilize this Leo energy? Do you want to be the life of the party? Or do you want to use your talents to enliven the masses and create systems for people to heal? If you want to party, then by all means just stick with it.  If you want to bring about the changes so desperately needed at this time, then it’s time to get a better strategy. Let go of the old ways and create a support team that can help you reach your goals, it’s time to shine for all the right reasons. This is go time.




Well, well, well what a surprise, you’ve been working too hard again Virgo.  Where is the balance my friend? Part of this could be the lack of Earth below your feet.  This season ain’t gonna bring it either, so that means finding it on your own. Times to slow and steady yourself.  Why oh why is it so difficult for a person with a gift for organization to not be able to schedule in more play and rest time in their schedule?  Inspiration for further works comes from playing and resting. It’s time to transform and start fresh something your sign is so so ready for. Taking some time for contemplation and inner vision is a very worthy investment at this time.  Invest in yourself and the rest will unfold itself to you. The staying power of self-care has got to be your main goal this season as emotions may surface that require your attention. If you try to just push through this season and work longer hours or take on more responsibilities it may end poorly for you.  Make sure to rest and do what you can to increase the probability of more laughter this season. Laughter is necessary this season.




It’s time to nurture a new future for yourself.  Foresight is not something that you have always used in your decision making.  But now is the time for it. In the past you have made most your decisions based on what will bring the most peace and harmony.  Now though things are about to get ugly and there is going to be no space or time for weighing all the options. You’ve just got to plan for something better than where you are currently at.  And while certainly you will need to be patient with your plans, you still do need to start somewhere and that is what this time is for. One can only nurture the future by starting somewhere no matter how small, sparking the movement, it takes courage and not caring if everyone agrees with you.  You cannot have harmony 100% of the time. Discipline is required. This cycle will offer you the opportunity to tune into your version of this inner discipline. Sort through what belongs in your own brain, from that which someone else planted into your brain. Do this and you will soar.




Now is the time to act.  Make the decision, cut the cord, move it forward….jump.  The universe wants to catch you but now how can it if you won’t jump?   Stop it already with the doubt and the postponements, now is the time to act.  Expand, spread your wings and trust your gut. Notice the give and take in your relationships, notice your boundaries and notice where the majority of your time and money is spent.  It’s time for an upgrade. Increase your energy by focusing on what’s most important. Make a vision board already and anything not in alignment with that vision gets 0% of your time, comprende?  Now with all that being said, do not leave charity and giving back from your vision for the future. Goals and success are empty without the opportunity to give back, just make sure that you are giving to worthy causes not huge organizations where the money fails to trickle down to the people that you thought you were giving it to.  Your dreams are possible and quite likely if you can actually stick with your vision at this time. A grand water trine is highlighting your sign so it’s a precious opportunity to move something that has been stuck for far too long. Don’t drain your energy on causes that aren’t in your vision, k?




Do not, I repeat do not let your anxieties about the future keep you from happiness in the present.  C’mon Sag, you’ve come so far. The ways you have matured in these last few years are something for you to celebrate.  Focus on how far you’ve come, k? The traveling that is required from you this season is all an internal journey. Sometimes we journey out there in the world and beyond, sometimes we travel within our mind to adventures and ideas.  But now is a time to journey to your inner flames deep within. You have the external sun shining bright which allows you the warmth to journey within without getting lost in other people or outer experiences. Typically the moment that your staying power of an experience is required is exactly the time when you start to think about journeying away again.  But let me remind you that you are your greatest guide and the internal journey is the most worthy experience in your life. Your emotions will be there and you can’t escape from feeling the things that you’ve been running from your whole life. And that is precisely when happiness will find you once and for all.




Where to start sweet Capricorn?  This is going to be a big season for you with the full moon at the end of June in your sign.  Your emotions may be big, bigger than you find to be manageable. And oh how you thrive in managing.  But surrendering is something that this season will teach you if you allow it. It will set you free. Why cage yourself in order to manage?  Why do that to yourself? You deserve to soar free from the constraints that you think is necessary in this society. This month marks a turning point in your life from the rebellious inner teen and the strict restrictive father within your own mind.  Clarity and freedom is available to you if you decide to look at it. Sure it’s easier to manifest someone into your life that you can blame your problems or issues on, that’s part of your management skills, judgement. But wisdom is required of you this season to see that some of your ability to judge causes suffering and destruction in your life and the life everyone surrounding you.  The more you can feel into your own freedom, the more you can free everyone that touches you.



So Aquarius, where are you finally ready to heal?  Think big my friend. This is your season for establishing the courage to complete a release that you’ve been holding onto for far too long.  Those with Aquarius energy in their chart have this strange way of holding on to guilt and regrets for far too long and allowing these experiences to manifest into further suffering.  Now is the time to look at why you aren’t using these master manifesting gifts for bigger better things now? Like a wild horse running free you get the choice of running in circles looking for the thing that is going to save you from having to heal this big otherworldly wound or you can just run free and direct down the beautiful coastline and allow the water to flow onto your hooves.  You can move forward, truly. Let the water take the bigger heavier feelings of guilt and regret. It takes courage to face your true self, your Earthbound being, it has all this suffering stored within this shell. It takes courage to not just go back to disillusions and drugs. Drugs can be good, don’t get me wrong but only if they are balanced with a healthy dose of truth serum. Be like the wild horse and be free in your expression, don’t run in circles.  Be courageous and watch how the world all of a sudden becomes a place that you may want to actually inhabit for a while. You belong on the beach this season babe.




It’s ok if things don’t feel fair right now, Pisces, because they aren’t.   This is a time for you to rest and rebalance. There is still a grand water trine affecting your sign.  Cancer season is another watery time and as you know this will bring with it the opportunity for you to integrate some big things that likely came through last month.  What did you learn about your intuition and about trusting your gut? These instances are showing you where you can grow and create better boundaries for your watery self.  As a told a Pisces friend this week, Boundaries are not something you set when you are angry. Boundaries are something you have established so that you don’t get angry. Martyrdom is the death of the feminine.  And even if you are a man reading this, Pisces has a healthy dose of the feminine, the healing abilities. If you give all that away there is no healing left for you. Do not give it all away, do not merge. Stay you, stay put, this is your responsibility.  Then watch the balance and the abundance that finds its way to you. Pisces have a cosmic connection to the magic within. A connection to the memories of all that ever was and ever will be. When you give that away freely and relentlessly you end up resenting those that you over-give it to.   In reality it is your job to keep it for yourself and your own creations in the first place. This is your time to re-possess what was yours to begin with.