New Moon in Aquarius-Be the Change...
The New Moon in Aquarius is Monday February 4th at 1:03pm PST in 15 degrees of Aquarius.
Look to your natal chart to see where 15 degrees of Aquarius is to know more about this opportunity for a fresh start, for an opportunity to BE THE CHANGE.
This New Moon has a lot of forward momentum connected to it, very forward thinking with Mercury in Aquarius conjunct the Sun and the Moon.
It’s asking us if we are ready to be the change, that we want to see.
Are you ready to do this?
We also have a trine between Venus in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries. The fire of transformation with our awareness of our values and what we are able to bring to the table.
This is also the Chinese New Year which begins the Year of the Earth Pig..very grounding..during a time when we have lots of fire and air in the astrology.
When we have a lot of cardinal energy we are being asked to initiate something new and with the new moon in fixed Aquarius it means whatever we initiate with alignment will actually stick.
This New Moon will also sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius.
This expands on our vision for ourselves. Showing us where we’ve been missing the gems.
Our vision for the world is more important than ever.
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