Into the depths: Aries Full Moon

The Full Moon for October is on the 13th in 20 degrees of Aries.

The Sun and the Moon are in opposition as usual at a full moon and Pluto in 20 degrees of Capricorn is in an exact square.

This is a very active Full Moon energy.

A T-Square that involves the Sun, the Moon and Pluto is intense.

Pluto unearths uncomfortable material, power dynamics and subconscious blocks in order to heal and re-incorporate your connection to source.


Pluto brings the toxicity to the surface for the purpose of cleansing.

This Full Moon invites us to trust that what is being unearthed is coming up to clear out not to make us suffer.

The opportunity to let go and release is strong and should be used wisely before the retrograde period of Oct 31st in Scorpio.

Jupiter in it’s final stretch in Sagittarius is trining the Moon giving our emotional life a levity that we so desire with such an intense moon. #mood

The Moon in Aries highlights our identity. The Sun in Libra highlights how we desire to relate to others.

How we blend these two is influenced by our subconscious mind and how hard we are on ourselves.

It’s important that we stay conscious of our attachments to our identity out of comfort.

It’s time to release, to be free.

A great time to work with me.

And finally a beautiful water trine between Mercury, Neptune and the North Node.

Our future is calling us to leave our security blanket behind and move into the unknown with our emotional needs intact.

Infinite Love,
