Sagittarius New Moon Oracle

The New Moon in 4 degrees of Sagittarius is on Tuesday November 26th at 7:05am.

The archer archetype in astrology is a time to re-envision, set intentions for freedom and best of all travel and education.


This is the final new moon of an eclipse cycle that started back on July 2nd. Next month we will have a New Solar Eclipse in Capricorn.

As we close out a cycle that’s been activated since July(praise Jesus Hallelujah) we may want to think about what we’ve learned from these last six months and how we’d like to move into our future.

This cycle has been a deeper initiation into our personal power, to shift the collective power of light frequency on the planet. There is a reflection here between this new moon and 2012 where we were been birthed into a new frequency.

This cycle has to do with deeper understanding of the cycles on the planet and within larger power structures.

Sagittarius has to do with organized religions(politics).

It also has to do with truths being revealed, expansion and higher learning.

This New Moon is an opportune time to decide to take that class, join that program or volunteer for that cause.

The biggest influences of this magical new moon portal are:

  • Jupiter on the Galactic Center -bringing insights and redesigned ways of thinking.

  • Uranus in Taurus opposing Mars in Scorpio - bringing in polarity: sudden shifts, lightning speed conflicts, accidents and possible environmental/country conflicts.

  • Uranus in Taurus trine Venus in Capricorn Shifts in money/governments/etc

  • Grand trine between Neptune, North Node and Mercury in Scorpio Healing on all levels.

The only this New Moon doesn’t have is Air to breathe…so get some!

Watch the video to learn more and now is ideal time to take your Self-Awareness to new heights with:


Abigail Barella