Capricorn Solar Eclipse

On December 25th at 9:13pm PST in 4 degrees of Capricorn we have the biggest Eclipse of 2019.

And this is final eclipse that we will have in Capricorn for some time(thank the Gods).

We are releasing the patterns, programs and karma associated with our work in the world.

We start again with 2020 Vision!


It’s less about going into emotions and more about the real work we all need to do.

The major news with this Eclipse:

-We have 5 planets(Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, 3 asteroids (Ceres, Eros and Pholu) and one Node in Capricorn for this Eclipse


-We also have trine to Uranus in Taurus.


-A square to Chiron in Aries

Basically all the longer term transits are getting hit.

Showing us how big this personal work that we are doing is and how it helps move along the collective too.

The interpretation for all that:

The stacked up energy in Capricorn is fierce and making us all do the work we don’t want to have to do.

Old energies, agreements, ways of being with family systems, friendships and work relationships is shifting.

We need to stay open to the new energy that wants to move into these past relationships and ways of bring.

Our inner child is needing us to be the parent that we never had but always needed so that we don’t make as many choices from a wounded place.

We are now being asked to make choices from a whole new place, of worthiness and our personal value of what we have to contribute and share.

Making choices not from lack but from abundance.

There is more than enough resources to go around and this eclipse highlights the inner Scrooge and inner little Timmy within us all.

We are no longer the victim and we also don’t need to hold what we have to share away from those that we love.

The balance comes when we can recognize that we are all the things and they are all beautiful.

This is the season of giving and learning to receive.

Stay open to your blessings and also aware of your own bullshit.

Infinite Love,
