Virgo Super New Moon: So Fresh and so clean

The Virgo New Moon is on Friday, August 30 at 3:37am PDT at 6 degrees


Virgo has the archetype of the Virgin, but this doesn’t mean someone who hasn’t had sex, it refers to being complete just as you are. Virgo is also about being of service, critical and detailed to see what is needed to reach wholeness.

And it is the last day to get into Planetary Power at the early bird rate.

This New Moon is highly activated with a stellium occurring in Virgo.

The Sun and the Moon are in the same degree (as always during a New Moon). Right next to them is Mars, the planet with driving energy to push forward. Venus is close by, who embodies the law of attraction, love, and money. Mercury, the ruler of communication and relating to others, is in its home sign here in Virgo

Uranus in Taurus forms a trine to the planets in Virgo, shaking up stuck energy to progress for the greater good of all. 

Pluto and Saturn are conjunct the South Node in Capricorn, and form a trine to the aspect in Virgo. This energy digs up the past and exposes the wounds caused by the Patriarchy.

This is uncomfortable, but ushers in necessary change. Growth arises from discomfort. A revolution is under way! 

These energies bring awareness and our emotions to a head as we we get really clear on what us holding us back from being the best that we can be. And what we as individuals can do to create a better reality for all of us.

This is the time to ask yourself “Who do I serve?” 

Are your actions in alignment with who/what you want that to be?

If not, what is in your way?

What can you invite into your life to close the gap?

Look to see what house 6 degrees of Virgo lands in your chart.

This is where to focus your intentions to maximize the potent energy. 

Also where your other Earth houses are..

If you could use some clarity or additional support, schedule a reading with me or Abigail for extra insight. 

Infinite love,


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