Cancer Full Moon Partial Eclipse

On January 10th we have a powerful eclipse in 20 degrees of Cancer.

This eclipse hits right after Uranus in Taurus goes direct creating an atmosphere of

“All systems go” with the planets all being direct as this Eclipse energy closes out a cycle we’ve been in since 2018 and beyond.


The fact that Pluto and Saturn conjunction exacts on January 12th is highlighting Capricorn as a major influence in this cycle.

Planets in Capricorn for this Full Moon:

The Sun, Mercury in 20 Degrees, Ceres in 21 Degrees, Pluto and Saturn in 22 Degrees, South Node and Jupiter in 8 degrees.

Thats a whole lot of Earthy Capricorn energy opposing this Moon in watery Cancer.

Thankfully we have a beautiful trine to Neptune with the Moon in Cancer.

This water can heal you if you let it.

It’s time to dive into the deep emotions in our shadows that have previously blocked us from creating form.

This is a time for looking at our foundations and family of origin issues that have kept our shadow running our lives.

Healing is possible if we choose it.