New Moon in Aries
The New Moon in Aries is on March 24th 2020 at 1:28am in 4 degrees.
The first New Moon in the Astrological new year, Aries is the first sign in the zodiac shows us where we need to sow seeds for the next year.
Aries is the first sign in the Zodiac, Cardinal fire showing us what fire we need to burn within ourselves for health, passion and action.
Artist: Sara Shakeel
The first sign, one of Fire 🔥 Cardinal in its mode.
It defines our identity, as an individual. What unique things do you bring to the world?
It’s time to cleanse and clear past beliefs of who you thought you were supposed to be.
We now need you to be who you truly are.
The most powerful aspects that this new moon makes are a square to the north and south nodes of the moon. 🐉 Our collective dharma and karma together 🌍. Will we move forward together or grip onto the past?
A New Moon is an opportunity to plant fresh seeds for the lunar cycle.
The New Moon in Aries(the first Astrological Sign in the Zodiac) is an opportunity to plant your seeds for the whole year. 🌱
Look back to last year at this time to understand the journey that you’ve been on this past year.
This lunar cycle is sure to be a test of how far you’ve come into your spiritual journey. ✨
It sets the tone for the whole year.
This is likely one of the most powerful new moons I’ve seen in a long time if ever as an astrologer.
The biggest influences on this New Moon are:
-A conjunction to the Wounded Healer Chiron in Aries
-A conjunction to Black Moon Lilith in Aries
-A square to the North and South Nodes of the Moon
-A sextile between Saturn newly in Aquarius
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Nodal Cycle for the last 18 months video check it out to see if it resonates…