Cancer Full Moon Astro-Energetics

Cancer Full Moon is represented by the Mother Moon in Cancer and the Father Sun in Capricorn opposing each other. This Full Moon is at 27 degrees of Cancer.

This is a Cardinal Full Moon is anything but practical no matter how much we want it to be.

Cancerian energy tends to hold on to things.

It is here to show us where our heart wounds from earlier times and our ancestors still desire healing and emotional release.

In order to create the new structures we need to be willing to look at where we’ve been hurt. Especially by the system, “the man” gov’t.

The problem is typically that we’ve identified a person or a few people as the problem, or as the system when in reality the reason why it’s so toxic is that it is not embodied as a person, it is a human condition.

And human conditions require us to see where we’ve embodied the condition in order to survive.

At this Full Moon with the Sun opposite conjunct Pluto it’s asking us to dig deeper.

This Full Moon is about connecting deeply with those that you have a deep connection to, your soul family.

This full moon begs us to gather and share.

It asks us to offer our best to our loved ones no matter how much water is under the bridge so to speak.

To our elders, our children and ourselves.

This Full Moon asks us to fill our own cup and to only give from that place.

You can’t give if there is nothing left to offer.

And likewise you can’t take it all and feel good in that.

Overwhelmingly the masculine has been trained in this system to take and the feminine has been trained to give.

But that goes against the natural order of things and will be shifting.


And it starts with forgiveness.

You don’t have to forget in order to forgive someone, especially yourself.

Early Registration is available for Feminine Leadership: Archetypes and Astrology for Success until Feb. 5th

Abigail Barella