Leo New Moon July 23rd

Leo New Moon in 0 degrees on July 23rd the first of two new moons in Leo this year.  The next will be the August 21st eclipse.  Two new moons in one sign is rare and it means we are to set our inner dial at Leo energy for all that is to come.

And off we go..

This is the week that the fire season is truly activated and will be cranking until the end of August.  

Fire is representative of transformation, passion, energy, enthusiasm, excitement and motivation.

Leo energy is loud and proud but also completely heart centered.  

Leo’s don’t just want to shine, they want us all to shine brighter.

The sun is the planet that rules Leo.

The sun is represented in astrology as our personality or what we shine out into the world.

For this new moon you may want to look at where Leo is in your chart AND

what house your sun is in for that will help you understand where you are being asked to shine more fully.

It will also help you assess where your shadow energies may be holding you back out of fear or survival.

In my video, I talk about outdated programs or scripts that we are running and the time to release these.

When I say this I am speaking to your stories and beliefs some you may not even be aware that you are carrying.

These may take the form of acknowledging internal stories that you are telling yourself but don’t know why or where they come from.

Leo will show you a playful way to drop these.

Especially around survival.

Leo is not a survivor, Leo is a thriver.

That’s why alone time will serve you wisely at this time, but also talking through some of your beliefs can help you uncover more of your fear and more of your courage.

We no longer need to fear, for everything that we fear has already happened.

Now is the time that we can play with joy, passion, love, listening to what our soul truly wants.  

Fear will not survive this fire. 


We will all come into more a profound Lion’s Roar if we choose to.

Sure some will be home gripping onto the furniture, what a waste of energy I say.

Uranus in Aries is squaring this new moon in Leo.  

Squares represents a challenge or stress.

Mars in Leo is conjunct this new moon.  Conjunctions represent a merging of energies, which tend to strengthen whatever is conjunct(close together).

Both of these activations at this new moon make it once again not as peaceful as the new moons typically are.

It’s really a time to shift our consciousness and move forward with new goals.

It’s time for carving your own path from soul.

This is the beginning of the summer eclipse cycle that will carry us all the way to January and February eclipses 2018.  A good time to look back to the review the last six months and release.  Set new intentions for this next cycle in your life.  This is the start of what I call the big flush.  I'll have more on that in the next few weeks.

 Eclipses don’t allow you to hide on the sidelines, they force change thankfully.

Because we all came here to not grip onto fear and hide, we came here for change.

We came here to be courageous and to bring more soul to this planet at this time.

This eclipse season will bring lightning bolt speed, high velocity forward movement, and on the flip side we need to be aware of volatile energy as well.

Not a time to “get into it” with people if you can manage to take space, do.

Stress is a big thing to look at this cycle.

Take time to breath, ground and reset.

If you’ve been wanting to check your ego and come at life with more soulshine now is the time.

Take time to reflect and set intentions this Saturday/Sunday.  But first you may want to burn some old outdated stuff you want to fully clear first.

The most powerful intentions to set right now are around your creativity, courage, speaking your truth, your soul’s path, accessing more of your joy, intentions around children, romaticism, your ability to receive/give love and the ways you shine your light in the world.

These intentions will carry us through to the first eclipse and beyond.

The intentions you make now will be the things that are most activated during this whole eclipse season so choose wisely.

But don’t forget to play along the way.  

And as always I am here to help you sparkle and shine brighter.



Abigail Barella