Understanding Boundaries: A Visual Person's Perspective

I’m a visual person. 

If I can’t see it or conjure up an image, I have a hard time understanding it.

This is why I think it was so powerful to hear stories when I was a child, it was literally building my capacity to understand the world around me.

My grandmother and my mother were full of stories, but none of them contained images of personal space, boundaries, the self shining strong, and building personal energy.

They were all stories of the tribe, of being self-less and of servitude or at least that was the energy behind what they shared with me.


But in healthy societies we need both and we need to learn that any gender can offer both of these gifts. 

So jump to my intentions for this year, the year of Creation.

It is my intention to create more, write more share more and be in a creation space.  However in order to do that one must be aware of boundaries.

  And of course I thought I was but now I’m seeing that I was simply in Boundary Setting 101, I’ve graduated into 301 now.

My therapist(yes I have one, don’t you?) asked me to write about boundaries and what they are to me.

And of course I wanted to share that writing with you all.

So please enjoy this PDF and tell me what you think of it..
