Warrior Love - Venus Retrograde

Aries the Warrior + Venus the planet of receiving and showing love/energy + Retrograde

= Warrior Love

(fighting to internally raise the bar on our standards)

Venus Retrograde is a time where our heart literally can rewire and remap it’s connections.  We get the opportunity to get more internal, show ourselves more love and compassion.



Every 19 or so months we get a metaphysical heart upgrade from Venus. 

Sometimes it hurts. 

Sometimes we get frustrated with our past. 

Our patterns and our wounds that seem to be screaming at us.

We start in Aries: we are the warriors we will be given the courage to stand firm and start new, even if we must see things that we don’t really want to see.
It’s a time to Sauna, take up a new exercise routine, Go yell into a microphone or sit in the backyard with a fire.
Ending in Pisces in the last few days leading up to April 15th allows us to go bigger, see the healing, see the inter-connectedness of us all healing and busting out of our past.  And to trust our heart more, to trust our intuition more.

Process, talk it out, process and bring compassion to yourself, swim in the ocean.

This is a time for self reflection, process and patience.

But get your taxes done early!

The shadow side of Aries can be making impassioned decision that could have waited. 

Think about battle, wait for the best moment possible to strike.
This is a time to focus on you and speaking up for your needs.
So you can feel aligned if you do need to assert your heart.

Aries can be a little aggressive so make sure you speak up instead of boiling over.

Take time and space. 
Process with people you trust and get outside.

Some of us have patterns that we have replayed for lifetimes that are now bubbling up to our consciousness. 

Now is the time to take direct action on things that will assist your growth not your replay.

The feminine is literally raising the bar and the bummer is when it’s hard for us to reach it within ourselves. 

We want to see it rise and we realize holy smokes this is hard work.  Knowing where we misfit within the current paradigm, knowing what we don’t want is sooo much easier that stating what we need or want even within ourselves.
Don’t worry Venus has your back, if you allow her she will assist you in reaching this new height. 

Oh man you guys I could go on and on..more later.
You may feel like you are alone, you are not!

Aries, Taurus and Libras might feel this one the most or if Venus rules your chart. 

Of course looking and knowing what house this retrograde is happening in is super helpful so..

Venus minis are $55 Order by March 7th

Order your mini Reading For Guidance

If you feel like you could benefit from working more closely with me I’m offering a special on my most popular package:

The Whole Creative Power Package

A savings of $190 dollars for months of coaching, intuitive guidance, magic making, a full astrological chart reading

AND a group class all for less than $500!? 

IT will never be offered at this low rate again…and it’s a really important time to get access to this work.

You deserve support and guidance.

Offer is only good until March 10th so if you are interested please email me and I will send you more info.

Heart Upgrade,

Courage Bubbling Up,

Reach Higher and

Bust Out of Our

Past Heart


With Love,
