Horoscopes for Taurus Season

The Sun just moved into Taurus.

Taurus is a fixed feminine Earth sign represented by a bull.
The symbolism of the bull is that the head and horns are shaped like the womb of a woman.
Both in their own right are:
Strong, Fertile, Sturdy, Fierce and Intelligent.

Taurus season puts us back into our senses.
Flowers smell beautiful, the warmer air feels so good on our skin and the work that we started in Aries takes root in Taurus season. The best way to work in Taurus season is slow and steady.

This season has a more Earthly feel because of all the planets in Capricorn another Earth sign.
It’s important to come back to things that you started at the Spring Equinox.
The things that keep circulating back into your thoughts are asking for some loving attention.

Good Taurus areas of Focus:
-Prosperity and Financial makeovers
-Tending to your physical body, eating cleansing foods.
-Focused time blocks for creative projects and yard/house work. -Working with your hands and feeling with your hands. -Connecting with others hugs, holding hands. It doesn’t have to be sexual but it’s a great time to reconnect after more aggressive Aries time.

If you know your sun, moon and rising zodiac sign than you will want to read each one of those. 



So lets get right to the point, because I know that you can appreciate the value in that.  What wound is being exposed to you right now?  There is information in that pain for you.  I know, I know it’s nice to appear like you've got the warrior battle axe ready to swing at all times.  However if you are always busy swinging that thing around you may accidentally cut off the heads of the very things that are going to help you find fulfillment and inspiration.  Now is the time to let the axe rest at your side and tend to the wounds that if not dealt with will indeed debilitate you.  The fear of lack is simply a fear.  There is so much more out there for you if can open to a more collaborative experience of give and take.  Tend to your wounds, accept help when it's offered.  Generosity is looking for you so don’t chop off his head before he can share his gifts with you.


It's your season sweet Taurus.  And yet it might feel a little heavier than you were expecting it to.  I know a secret that will help lighten your load.  After a time, we all must release the past.  After a time, we all must let the past die and bury it deep into the Earth.  If you’ve felt betrayed by someone or some situation recently it is time to find a way to release and regenerate.  That is the very same moment that you will find fresh energy to rise.  Not a time to dwell.  Not a time to get fixated on what is wrong.  What lights your flare of creativity and fun?  Now is the time to nurture your own fire of desire and passion.  Now is the time to focus on you.  What fans your flames?  It’s your time to shine.  All you need to think about this season is fun and creativity, the other things that need getting done will just naturally appear to you within the space of play.  Regeneration requires sunlight.  So get outside and just soak all the newness into your bones.  Can you make a wish, count your blessings, and let yourself feel the fresh energy that wants to move through you?



Integrity Gemini is a tricky subject for your intelligent self and here my friend is where you find your crossroads, once again.  To have honor is to accept your duties as a messenger.  What messages are you choosing to share.  Are they coming from a place of love?   Or do you want to go back down that same old loop that leads you to your inner harsh critic, stale energy that circulates your brain and makes you feel as though you will never do, be or complete what you set out to do?  The choice is yours and I will simply remind you that the biggest part of integrity is you yourself being in alignment with what you want to see out there in the big woods of this world.  So where in your life do you need to get off the beaten path and pave a new way into the forest of positive self discipline and a higher moral code than you ever thought you could attain.  You, the queen bee of manifestations need to be reminded of your own super power every once in a while.  So get to it and bring us all with you when you get everything lined up.


Well there you are sweet Cancer underneath all this Earth you’ve found a way to float through the cracks in the ground.  You've found a way to share some of your talents with the rest of us.  Capricorn is the sign opposite of you and there is quite a bit of commotion there shaking up your watery realm of emotions.  Capricorn energy can feel heavy and harsh but thankfully you know how to float.  You have remembered that this is truly the only way to survive and thrive in these times.  There is no struggle, there is no resistance.   You don’t need to work so hard at making the donuts when all that water is just going to soak them to the bottom of the pond anyway.  Now is the time to focus less on the material plane of struggle and more on your talents in the emotional.  You are not sensitive you are sensory, which in physics simply means that you convey what is already present.  You aren't creating it, you are simply aware of it.  You do not struggle on this Earth, you teach us all to flow within the heaviness of the Earth.  This is your way to abundance, this is your way to float.  So flip over and breathe, let the work come to you.


Well well well what my dear courageous lion what have you been avoiding to look at?  Your worst fear is being seen as cowardly and yet if you listen to your ego you will come across exactly as such.  You want to be seen as courageous?  Well then sit down and listen up.  When the sun is in the fixed Earth sign of Taurus it shines a light of awareness onto challenges that need to be cleared in order to restore balance and release personal blocks.  It shows you were you have been fixated on the wrong things.   Where you have been moving towards cowardice instead of courage.  New beginnings can only come to those that can truly take the bull by the horns and meet the eye of the storm so that they can keep moving forward.  If you can focus less on the blocks and more on the blessings, watch how much more you will be able to create.  Leo is not an ego driven sign but Leo is the sign that shows us how our own ego can get in our way from creating if we allow it to.  And Leo this is your time to create abundance as the power of the Sun returns to you, so quit focusing on the wrong things.


As an Earth sign that is mutable this fixed Earth energy of Taurus can be very fruitful for you indeed.  Although things may feel like they are moving a bit faster than normal sweet Virgo.  Things may seem chaotic and a little manic and you may notice that sleep is not coming to you as easily.  So get that sleep tincture of yours closer to your bedside.  The order that you love so much may be getting shaken up and making you feel less stable than normal.  But there is also something forcefully arising in you that is full of potential and potency if you can allow it and let things get a little dirty.  Get your mind out of the gutter I’m talking about your spirit not writing an erotic novel.  This is the time to go for it, no holds bar.  Run with it, get it flying higher, enjoy the moist warmth of creation.  Sow your seed, spew your juices, find the right motion of the ocean and own that you are a sovereign bad ass with a dirty mind and more tricks to share with us.  Virgo is the virgin of the zodiac that deeply understands rituals that can honor and restore health.  Yet chaos has a purpose as well.  Value your mission and stand in your power to serve the Earth without judging the messy inhabitants. 


The fruits of your labor are ripening upon the vine in front of you.  Your dedication and hard work is asking you to step into something new and shiny.  Venus rules both Taurus and Libra.  When we are in Taurus season it smiles the light of Venus onto the wings of Libra so that you may be lifted up into the abundance that is available to you at this time.  But lack of focus will keep you from tasting this fresh fruit that you’ve worked so hard to grow.  You are never going to please everyone, but you can please yourself.  Now is the time; cut the tie, burn the bridge and ride into the sunset of your goals.   A new aspect of your vocation is showing itself to you, but you must be willing to take the steps forward in order to receive the blessings that it carries with it.  Unfortunately you must be willing to go alone.  I know, I know, but this is how it must be.  Success is lonely sometimes.  And it is calling to you if you can follow the breadcrumbs of your bliss.


Someone’s catching a ride with you that you did not intend to carry.  This is the time to look at where you have not been honoring your inner voice.  Look at where you’ve been denying your inner knowing.  Who are you allowing to catch a ride that should be walking?  And why?  Are you dedicating yourself to the right commitments or have you been feeding everyone else without remembering yourself yet again.  This only leads to resentments and wounds to the relationships that you need in order to stay sane.  No more being lazy with your personal transformations and boundaries.  And no more blaming it on all those riders, the time has come to push those fuckers off your bike so you can ride faster and still remain friends.  Wounds heal but resentments fester.   Re-commit to your expansion.



Things are about to get real up in here.   We know you are a big picture person but Taurus season asks that you get clear on your long term vision for yourself and the people in it.  Practical goals are something that can at times be challenging for big picture people but now is the opportunity to really look at where you are now and where you want to be five years from no.  It is time to look at the practical steps it will take to get you where you want to go.  Temper your indecision with what you know you love most.  Make a list of what you want to enjoy more and then work your way backwards.  Sometimes it is the simplest changes that bring the biggest results.  The temptation to just want to do it all yourself is one of your biggest faults in getting what you want in the future.  Community brings reflection, make time for that which you hold most dear to your heart.


This is the time to get a fresh perspectives on the building blocks necessary to build the foundation for your success.  At times your vision of success leaves out your well being, your joy, your satisfaction with yourself.  If you can't enjoy and rest in your successes, would you really call your life successful?  Rest and slowing are just as vital to your accomplishments as hard work is.  Human Beings, not Human Doings.  You can straddle the dimensions of work and rest without falling too hard into one or the other.  It is expected that this Taurus will help you to find more of this ease within the sturdy foundation of your being.  Just know that if you resist it will be relationships around you that will suffer from your lack of balance.  Free yourself from the restraints of your belief systems that aren't bringing you peace of mind.



Temptation alert: Pleasure can come with consequences.  Yes you know this I'm sure.  I'm sure you, my sweet and wild child of the zodiac has experienced this at least once or twice in your gypsy caravan of life.  But this season, as Taurus is another fixed sign like your very own, you need to ensure that you are dedicating yourself to the right movement within your own life.  The consequences of your actions are very real this Taurus season.  The seeds that are sown during this time will grow into your future life Aquarius.  Check your mindset, where you are choosing illusion or fantasy over the very real, beautiful and super messy reality of life here on Earth.  Bliss can be a part of your experience but it cannot be expected to be the only part of your experience.  You came here for a reason, so maybe now is a time to review decisions that have left you feeling low and make new choices during this season.


Oh babe.  Sometimes this life can be so harsh and unfair.  Yet now is the time for you to step into a fresh new field of beautiful greenery and let the daisies push up around you.  Taurus season demands that you focus onto that which feeds you and not that which drains your spirit.  There is so much for us to hold onto in this life and this can block us from learning the lessons that experiences such as these are trying to teach us.  When we hold and resist there is no space for this beautiful man or woman to find you laying in the daisies ready for freshness, ready for new experiences.  These new lessons are far better than what came to you last season.  But you must be in the new field to get here, not dwelling in that old brown dirt pile behind the dumpsters.   I know that there is so much in that dumpster field to dig through and try to figure out but it's in the trash for a reason, no need to figure out why.


Abigail Barella