Scorpio Full Moon
The Full Moon in Scorpio is Sunday April 29th in 9 degrees of Scorpio, while the Sun is in the opposite sign(as always with the Full Moon) in 9 degrees of Taurus.
Image: Shayne Berry
This Full Moon is the halfway point between the eclipses of Jan/Feb to the eclipses in July. So it's a good time to review intentions and ideas that came during that time period of the beginning of the year.
What clarity have you gained since then?
The fixed signs are all involved in this lunation so Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius energies may notice significant shifts. With this full moon's square to the nodes which bring issues of our karma combined with what needs to be released to get us to more of our dharma. Squares are challenges. So if you are having a challenging time right now, it's completely "normal".
This Full Moon also squares Ceres in Leo which lights up loss and abundance. Our fears of going after we want based on the results that we experienced in the past. It's time to let go of all that.
This Full Moon is called the Pink Moon in the farmers almanac because it is the moon cycle where the flowers receive the light of the full moon to bless the fruit.
There is an important conjunction with Jupiter in Scorpio, which is currently retrograding so be aware of where this is your own chart. Or book your reading with me here
It asks us all:
"What do you want to see fruit this Spring to Summer season?"
"What do you need to let die, so that you can grow?"
"Where is it time to remodel your belief systems?"
This is a time to be very mindful of what you are creating.
Taurus is the slow and steady tortoise and Scorpio is the fast and furious hare. This is fertile ground for creating both positive and negative being activated. Scorpio full moons are notorious for alchemies of all kinds so be cautious with whom you are merging your energies with. You may just create something that could have been avoided if you stayed true to yourself.
Where are you choosing to spend your energy and time?
And just as important, with whom?
Co-creation is defined by being mutually beneficial to both parties. Co-creation includes a constant evaluation of giving and receiving. One of my dear friends once taught me a dance blessing from South America which physically and verbally states "Take what you need share the rest." So simple and so perfect.
Our vision of spirituality is lacking if it includes our own suffering as part of our offering.
This isn't spirituality, this is martyrdom and it's toxic.
Sacrifice is a misconception. It is the product of darkness.
This is the toxic feminine, this full moon is clear sweeping the poisons from the feminine so that the divine masculine can shine brighter.
Giving is the only choice. One can only give after they have learned to receive, this is a very basic principal.
Where do you want to give more of your energy and time over to for the greatest good?
Please consider keeping my work rolling by making a donation, even a small contribution to keeping these writings flowing. Or even better schedule with me
Stick with what works and let the rest go.
Infinite Love,