Horoscopes for Leo Season

Welcome to Leo Season which brings with it two very powerful eclipses.

Themes for this season are:

Creativity, Play, Romance, Inner Musing, Issues of the Heart, Courage,  Self-Development

Leo is ruled by the Sun, it affects our identity and how we choose to shine our light in the world.


We all have this fierce lion/ess in our chart.

Being a fixed sign gives us all the opportunity to really stick to our guns on issues that matter most to us.

However we also need to recognize that being flexible within that persistence is necessary.

We can't be so sure that we know exactly what we need or even more importantly what others need but we can be in alignment with our own free will.

With five planets including Mercury in Leo retrograde during much of this Leo time we are being asked to  re-analyze how we can best be used to shine a bright light onto this existence.

We are being asked to keep seeking towards a heart of gold.

We are being asked to make choices that feed our own destiny for the benefit of others.

Read your sun moon and rising for the full experience for how Leo season may affect your sign and remember these are just for fun, to get a real look at how you may be affected schedule a full chart reading



This is a time to look at the balance of your emotions and learning to not react from your emotions.  The transformations this month come from being a bit more pragmatic with your responses and actions.  The sacred pause is essential as much as moving forward in issues that have previously held you back from being authentic in relationships.  This is a time period of ideas and imagination, it can very useful for planning so utilize your goal setting and planning. And yet confusing enough it is not the time period with five planets retrograde for you to start something new.  This is the time to stick with the plan even if the end result will be different than where you thought it was going. this must be balanced with play and laughter. The inspirations in our lives come from playing. Changes to how you interact and play in relationships are coming up in a major way so it’s wise to tune in and get the information necessary for your transformations.  Planning at this time will help you to feel more useful and in control. Get your personalized a eclipse reading



What a big month this is for you dear Taurus.  When you can learn to quiet the overactive mind and release fears of insecurity that’s when the magic happens for you.  And there is so much magic available to you right now if you can tune into the creation energy flowing through your fingertips.  These powerful eclipses this month are both in fixed signs and squaring your sign.  This is a time to let the old break apart without letting fear take over, your animal is the bull.  The bull can be effective and brave but it can also wreck havoc on a china shop....so maybe just be aware of what your metaphysical china shop is right now.  This is the time to acknowledge that which is no longer working in your mindset and finally flush it out once and for all.  With all this stubborn energy surging you may just explode if you aren’t careful so allow for lots of quiet, contemplative time.  And please please please use this creative energy wisely, use your hands.  Your inner child is desperate for expression and change. Get your personalized a eclipse reading



This is the time you have been waiting for Gemini.  To finally puts the wheels in motion to act.  With this air sign eclipse at the beginning of Leo season you are given the opportunity to release outdated ideas about what you are up against, maybe it was all an illusive inner dragon that whole time?  You have much to gain in your vitality through this season if you can let go of old power dynamics that aren't maybe even really there.  This is the time to align yourself with others that inspire and support your vision.  A friend, mentor, or loved one may show up to aid in your transformation, remember though that this transformation is about You in your life story.  Keep yourself set as the main character, the rest of the characters have supporting roles in this story, so set it up that way, always.  Practical steps and self-care for forward movement is a great focus this season.  Get your personalized eclipse reading



Happiness comes through courage and trust as you wander through this unknown territory.  This season the transformation comes through valuing yourself and your vision. This season is ripe for you to explore your own goals and to see if the people closest to you feed these goals.  It is very common for Cancerians to get into self-protection mode, but Leo season helps you to open up and play. It is very important for you to nurture yourself at this time and have the courage necessary to give your boundaries a reboot.  You don't need to be wanted all that is required for your fulfillment and happiness is to want yourself.  Release fully anyone that makes you feel like you aren't welcome.  This is the time to purge community that feeds off your crab legs while telling you how fishy they taste.  Let them find their own food and get yourself out of the crab pot once and for all, you've got a world to explore so let go of the need to feed and get on out there.  You are worthy. Get your personalized a eclipse reading



Well, well, well Leo it’s your season and an intense one at that.  Powerful waves of change are flowing through the cosmos and it offers you the opportunity to go deep within and focus on yourself.  Find the inner contentment within that no other human can fuck with. Be patient with the bigger outer transformations and stay within.  Alone time offers you the space and time to let success find its way to you.  It truly is as simple as connecting to your divine inner lion/ness.  The full moon eclipse at the beginning of your season in your polar opposite brings up relationship issues of all kinds and how community can either accelerate your growth or slow you down if you let them.  Being the leader of the jungle is hard fucking work, your pride isn't always behind you.  And yet you still must act as if it is.  This is the time for inspired action. You may want to spend this season in your element with the sun and prey and enjoy all things summertime but this is actually an opportunity to bring that sunshine into your work and manifestation power.   Align with that divine lion energy.  Check in with your emotions to make sure that you are in alignment with your actions and make adjustments as necessary. Get your personalized a eclipse reading



Virgo this is the test, this is the monumental moment where the universe beckons you to let go and trust.  Do you understand the value of your place in this world? Are you ready to ask for more, to visualize, dream and plan for more?  This transformation relates to your ability to tap into a source of abundance that you never have allowed yourself to in the past. This transformation requires you to tap into the collective consciousness and understand that you have much to offer to so many.  The care to the details can only take you so far, right now you are being asked to get spiritual, dream bigger and hold space in your heart for the magic.  Neptune opposing your sign means that instead of anxiety, you could tap into some serious imagination and visualizing your goals being fulfilled.  You may need some sleepy time tea but rest assured knowing that the dreams are more important than the details right now. Get your personalized a eclipse reading



This season is certainly a time to not let yourself get caught up in the struggle.  We can’t escape big emotions and we can’t just choose to see the positive in our lives because that leaves us unbalanced and we know how important balance is to you dear Libras.  At times we just have to allow ourselves to “go there” however when we do this it’s helpful to look to the source of the emotion, does it remind you of other times in your life? Does it bring up any other memories?  What story does it trigger for you? There is a beautiful innocence about your commitment to beauty in all forms, however mourning and pain bring us strength. Allowing yourself to feel the bigger uglier emotions cleanses the psyche and that is exactly where you are meant to be during this intense transformation, stay with the personal process.  No one can bring you anything that you don’t already have access to without them. Get your personalized a eclipse reading



Sometimes in life we are challenged to take risks that we don’t necessarily like taking.  Sometimes we wish things could just be all comfortable, sexy and easy. However we are all in deep transformation which is something that Scorpio’s can appreciate.  When we can relax into this transformation and align with our goals we can get more out of this time than other archetypes that freeze up or hid away. If you can honor the breakdown you can be part of the rebuilding crew and this is where you really thrive.  Your ability to bring healing and generosity to most situations is required at this time. This is your time to truly shine and push ahead. As you align your inner healing to the healing required for the collective you establish yourself as a trusted leader in your community.  Integrity should be your only focus and the rest will all come naturally when you offer your services to the world. Get your personalized a eclipse reading



It’s time to finally move out of scarcity mindset there dear archer, hasn’t anyone told you that you have the power to set your sights on what you want?  Adjust your bow, notch your arrows and set your sights on your vision as you learn to work your ways back from the bullseye to your iris it requires you to believe and face the inner challenges that have previously kept you from this goal.  You do have confidence even if sometimes it seems as though it wavers. In your work and relationship life the real problem that you are faced with is your own conflicting interests. How can you hit the target if you don’t even know where it is?  It’s as if you are being pulled into two completely different directions. But now is the time set your iris on the bullseye and flex. No more fear, no more questions just go. Prioritize time blocks for your focused goals and nothing will hold you back, nothing. Get your personalized a eclipse reading



So let's stop being so real, Capricorn.  Your work ethic and dedication don't go unnoticed however this is a time to realize that there is more to success than this.  Imagination may be a point of contention for you as of late dear workhorse.  We know that real work is very important to you, but at times your nose is too close to the grindstone to actually see what could be different so that things move smoother.  This season is about you getting some space and getting space from the things that are most stressful for you. Change requires your participation and it requires you to change something.  Change something in the home, even if it is as simple as rearranging or cleaning out cupboards. You may want to go deeper however and get support from a guide or mentor to re-work your vision for yourself and your family/community.  You have so many inner resources to draw upon for this season but they require space and imagination. Get your personalized a eclipse reading



There is a transformation happening for all of us during this season, but it is very clear that this transformation is most intense for you.  It’s clear that you are being forced to stop clinging onto a past that is no longer here. Afterall the only way to participate in the future is by being receptive to the present.  You can’t be receptive to the present if you are living in the past. The pain that you carry is worthy for you to explore but not drown in. You're not alone, so many people value you.  Lean into your unique expression at this time, there is a part of you that may feel selfish in this but that is the illusion. The world needs your wisdom and inventiveness at this time so much that it is going to push you, it may feel like it’s pushing you to a breaking point.  In reality through the universe is just breaking you open to your path and your path is forward not back. Focus on what you know fortifies your mind, body and soul. Lean into relationships that hold space for your visions. We all need you at this time and moving into the future.  Get your personalized a eclipse reading



A much needed break from all the depth is available to you at this time Pisces.  A breath of fresh air.  Your transformation comes from rejuvenation.  It comes from cutting ties that connect to an anchor weight at the bottom of the dark dark ocean.  When you learn to release these then and only then will you understand the karmic ties that have bound you to an existence that is in someway a form of mental slavery.  Just because you feel big, does not entitle you spiritually to feel for others, so just stop it already.  It isn't evolved to carry the weight of the world, it's just stupid.  You've got work to do and Venus opposing your sign means that it's time for you to tune into real love.   Experiencing yourself and your emotions(only yours) at this time strengthens your existence.  The best way to get this is by having alone time and focus on the daily spiritual practices that feed you and inspire you to take better care of your own life.  Because that's all you have right now is one life, live it. Get your personalized a eclipse reading