Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse at the Lion's Gate

On August 11th at 2:47am PST we will have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in 18 degrees of Leo.  This New Moon is conjunct Mercury which is retrograde in Leo.

The Sun and Moon are at 18 degrees, conjunct Pallas Athena in 17 degrees and Mercury which is Retrograde is at 14 degrees.   Both Athena and Mercury represent the mind, processing and downloads.


Forget everything that you think you know.

Athena and Mercury Retrograde will have you seeing and processing information/stories that have made you feel trapped or less than.

This combination in Leo makes for a powerhouse of courage, the courage to see past programs and patterns that have kept us playing smaller or hiding away. 

This is an opportunity to strengthen our purpose, to set powerful intentions for the next six months.

Leo is also the creativity powerhouse so expect insight on expression and play.

The North Node will be at 5 degrees of Leo which makes this a partial eclipse. 

When the nodes are lit up they show us collectively what needs to be addressed from our past so that it can be left in the past.  

It is a time to move into our future with more freedom.


The darkness of this New Moon is amplified by the moon also blocking the light of the Sun. 

The irony in that it's during the brightest and most fire-filled time of the year. 

Nothing burns brighter than Sun.

Yet the darkness is always present, even in the light.

In fact it is only in the light that we can truly see the depth of our personal darkness.

The purpose in this is taking this light filled time of year to see our past restrictions. 

We can see what we have feared in the past and the delusions that have been created due to these fears.

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”

– Plato

This powerful New Moon is an opportunity to expand into our magic.  Jupiter in Scorpio is squared by this New Moon creating a conflict and an opportunity for resolution.

Creative Power is possible when you are courageous enough to go after it.

This is the time to trust your heart and work past old restrictions. 

Which means it's a great time to work with me.

This New Moon also creates a quincunx to Pluto and it is a half way point for Pluto as journeying through Capricorn which takes 20 years.  At the last New Moon Partial Eclipse in Cancer Pluto was opposed and through conflict we were shown a shadow within ourselves.

Pluto unearths all the things we choose to not see, so that it can be dealt with.  It is the shadow.  Pluto in Capricorn unearths the issues within the system that are hidden from the public eye, more personally it shows us where we are a part of that bigger system and how our shadow feeds the machine.

This quincunx to Pluto from the Solar Eclipse has us all working to uncover our own truth and release our personal bullshit that tells us all kinds of stories about who we are and what we have to share.

The intentions that you set at this time will carry you for the next six months..look back to intentions you may have set back in January and see how far you've truly come.  Also look to the partial eclipse last month to see how far you've come mentally from that time frame.

When you set intentions for the next six months, look to what houses Leo, Capricorn and Scorpio are in for you.  That is your work this cycle.


Infinite Love,

Abigail Barella Sparkle and Shine Guidance

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