Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse : Creating Anew

The Full Moon on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 2:38pm PDT is also a partial Lunar eclipse, which is visible from Australia, Africa, South America, Antarctica, and most of Europe and Asia. The very Southern and Eastern points of North America will also be able to view this last Lunar eclipse of the year.

This Full Moon Eclipse occurs at 24 degrees in Capricorn.

Photo: Sebastian Voortman

Photo: Sebastian Voortman

Full Moons are a time to release what no longer serves you, and the energy present with this one is taking things to another level. It is time to clear out old ways in a major purge and level up!

The Moon is conjunct Pluto, Saturn, and the South Node in Capricorn. This stellium brings about major unearthing and challenging of structures, particularly with the Patriarchy. As a collective, we have outgrown the foundations that our present day systems were built on, and it is crumbling down so something better can take its place. 

Photo: Artem Beliaikin

Photo: Artem Beliaikin

Neptune in Pisces is sextile to the aspect in Capricorn. This gives us an opportunity to create something into existence that is more beneficial to ourselves and our planet.
(Which we might add is the perfect opportunity to set up your individual or relationship astrology reading)

There is a strong opposing influence to the Lunar stellium in Capricorn from the Sun and Venus conjunct North Node in Cancer, and Mercury who is retrograde in Leo. Our collective awareness is being led to value compassion and nurturing, to align ourselves with love.

The way forward is by taking care of ourselves so we can care for others, and create a new way in which we can all thrive.

Be mindful of when you are acting out of impulse or as a reaction.

Tune in to how you feel and notice your thoughts. 

Do you feel expansive or constricted?

Expansiveness is an indicator that you are aligned with your intuition and Higher Self. Constriction is indicative of reacting from fear and Ego. 

The Sun in Cancer forms a trine to Neptune which will help with awareness and acting from a place of compassion. 

Mars represents the Divine Masculine and how we push ourselves forward. It is in Leo which has playful, warm, and creative energy. Jupiter in Sagittarius is trine to Mars to bring wisdom, and highlights our connection to the Universe. Uranus in Taurus is square to Mars:

This is shaking up and challenging the old foundations and structures necessary to implement change for the highest and greatest good of all.

Happy Eclipsing,


Tips for the Full Moon Eclipse:

-Nap(Sleep may be super wacky and all this new integration requires more sleep).

-Hydrate(duh but seriously do).

-As much as you can with this Full Moon and Mercury Retro(stay away from super charged conversations, plan important meetings and conversations for August 1st)

-Take extra good care of your psyche in the ways that you know how, self care like a mofo.

-Be aware of your impulses with your family, breathe and use the sacred pause before creating trauma/drama.

-Take care of your inner child, they aren’t going anywhere until you re-parent them.(Set up an Intuitive Healing Session here)

-Sign up for our newsletter to receive a free PDF to work it out.

Abigail Barella