New Moon in Leo Oracle

Black Moon in Leo Oracle

The New Moon in Leo is on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 8:11pm PDT. Because it is the second New Moon in the same month, it is referred to as a Black Moon, which happens about every 29 months.

Leo’s archetype is “the Lion” and embodies creativity, playfulness, passion, and bold energy. 


The Moon and the Sun line up at exactly 8 degrees in Leo, conjunct Mars and Venus. Mars pushes us forward and Venus represents what we attract. This stellium gifts us with an energetic new beginning to invite in what makes us happy and brings joy.

Uranus in Taurus squares this aspect in Leo, which challenges us as it shake things up in order to bring greater awareness and healing. Expect to be pushed out of your comfort zone a bit.

Neptune in Pisces continues to square Jupiter in Sagittarius, challenging you to be aware of your mindset. Pluto and Saturn conjunct South Node in Capricorn forms a sextile to Neptune which will work together to dig up your subconscious and enhance your dreams.

This is an ideal time to pay attention to your dreamtime by recording them in a dream journal and looking for deeper meaning. 

Assisted by a trine to Mercury conjunct the North Node in Cancer, this shows us where we are headed as a collective and sparks imagination in how we relate to others. Mercury is finishing up its retrograde period and stations direct here, but its energy will still be recalibrating all the lessons we’ve recently learned to be assimilated into our consciousness until August 15.

There is opposition between Pluto and Saturn conjunct the South Node in Capricorn and Mercury conjunct the North Node in Cancer. This conflicted energy pulls us between where we have invested our time in the past in order to feel responsible, and how we are meant to connect to others in a sensitive way moving forward.

What is highlighted now is: following our bliss.

Which house does 8 degrees in Leo lie on your birth chart? This is where you want to set intentions.

Have you been restricting yourself by doing what is “expected” instead of what you’d really like to be doing?

What gives you an expansive feeling?

What do you want to invite more of in your life? 

To learn more about your personal Astrology and how to work with the cosmic energies that are present, set up an appointment for an Astrological Reading with me or Abigail. 

Black Moon blessings,
