Sagittarius Full Moon Partial Eclipse

On Friday June 5th we have a powerful full moon eclipse in 15 degrees of Sagittarius with an exact square(very unique) to Mars in Pisces.

The highest truth will prevail, however it comes with a big price, our sense of security.

This is a time to hold strong to the vision.

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A square in Astrology is a conflict.

Mars is the warrior however he is in Pisces showing us that the war is with our collective consciousness.

The Sun in Gemini conjunct Venus is our conscious awareness of where we need to bring the love right now.

However the Moon in Sagittarius opposing Venus and the Sun shows us the conflict and trauma associated with getting to the truth.

The truth shall set us free, but not without pain.

The truth is painful and it is our only way to a greater sense of love and unity.

We don’t grow without pain. When we focus on love however we can grow without suffering.

With the South Node newly in Sagittarius we are dropping old beliefs and dogmas. This is the first eclipse with the North Node in Gemini /South Node in Sagittarius

Our emotions are guiding us to clear out the false beliefs that have gotten us to this point.

Where are you being guided to clear and align with LOVE?

If you are having a hard time with these energies(likely us all) lean into your Virgo house.

Don’t know where that is? Go to my home page to look up your chart or work with me


Ellias Lonsdale on the 15 degree of Sagittarius:

A tidal wave approaching.

The momentum of collective events runs toward floodtide when there is a major transition from one whole cycle to another. The personal lifestream runs in similar patterns. When you're getting ready to take off in a whole different direction, there is first a transition that is both immensely exciting and fantastically disturbing. You feel just about swept away by the oncoming changes and just before they really get going, the tension, the pressure, and the strain can tear you apart. You want to go with it, yet you yearn for sanctuary. This keen ambivalence gets loaded with desire, anticipation, memory pictures, and utopian visions. The mix is volatile. Learning how to ride this wave is such a great endeavor that it, in itself, becomes what it is all about. The consummate opportunity to open wide, but stay substantively firm and concentrated. Mastery or bust. The infinite future or wipe-out. A spine-tingler all the way.