Mercury Retrograde in Cancer

On June 17th we start a Mercury Retrograde period that goes through July 12th

During that time will will also be in an intense eclipse cycle with both a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse on June 21st and a Lunar Eclipse on July 4th.

You will want to look in your natal chart to see where 14 degrees of Cancer-5 degrees of Cancer falls because this area will be highlighted by Mercury.

This watery Mercury Retrograde brings up powerful emotions and new ways to process those emotions.


It’s a great time to do the internal work necessary to stabilize ourselves.

Mercury Retrograde is a time of re-evaluation. 

Re-processing in emo and Intuitive watery Cancer just know that this retrograde will be personal. It will challenge you to go deeper into your intuition and release some of the “logical” emotional bypassing that our old world required of us.

The new way is the emotionally authentic way.

We will be confronted with societal norms that have kept us cut off from our own emotions and we will be asked to invite the feeling back into our being.

Our inner child and inner needs for nurturing will come out.

Look at where 14-5 degrees of Cancer fall in your birth chart and be ready for a system upgrade in your processing and communications. 

Advice :

-Back up your important things today.

-Pray to the Car God/essses(Apollo, Artemis, Mercury, Zeus) 🧚🏽‍♂️ 🚗

-Try to avoid big huge major contract signing before July 12th(if you can)

-Use caution with communication especially in areas where you have emotional back-up. Process before conversing, slow it down.

-Leave early for travel and plan for delays.

-Self-Care like a mofo

-At work be aware that communications could be extra highlighted.  Try to stay calm and organized.

-If you have kids or work with kids they are going to need extra nurturing during this time, fed them well and make sure they get enough rest.

-In relationships talk about your feelings to shift away from blame.  No one is “making” you feel a certain way.  They may unknowingly be triggering a wound you have.  Tell them about your feelings, focus on what they can do to help you instead of what they are doing wrong.

And to close here is what Ellias Lonsdale says on the 14th degree of Cancer where Mercury is stationing:

“Unless tragedy strikes, a new Earth cannot be accessed. Only as all the old, familiar places dry up is there a path to walk revealed beneath, pristine and beckoning. It is no use looking back. The way lies right here, strewn with experience, memory, loss, and redemption by walking onward. It is a difficult, painstaking journey from here. You have to go so deep inside burrowing into the cave of navigational realization, that you are held, cherished, known, given all you need; yet as well required, commanded, to become entirely purposeful and to be the path and to cease all complaining and extraneous consciousness. This, in order to do what is here to do, with your entire being in ring- ing conviction and fidelity to the highest.”

Interested in learning more about our group Journey to Ascension that starts August 19th?

Read more here

Happy Retrograding,
