Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter has moved into Pisces, for now.

Jupiter will be in Pisces until July 28th and will be retrograde starting June 20th causing the outer expansion to turn inwards.

Expansion into the depths of our consciousness.


Themes of Jupiter:
-Expansion -Luck -Growth -Abundance -Generosity -Education -Good fortune -Miracles

It has to do with higher education, religion, law and big business.

In Pisces ♓️ now Jupiter is expanding on themes of:

-compassion -emotional intelligence -art -sound healing and vibrational healing -all one consciousness -faith -purification -spirituality -dogmatic thinking


Jupiter in Pisces deals with expansion into the dissolution.

I’m very excited for this transit as I see both the light and shadow of these times.

This transit will reward those that have been doing the heavy emotional lifting 🏋️‍♂️for the collective.

Tune into your emotional intelligence and open to receiving because here it comes 🌧

Wanna work together?

Abigail Barella