Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse

On May 26th we have a total lunar eclipse at 5 degrees of Sagittarius, this is a full moon where the nodes of the moon are within ten degrees of the Sun and Moon.

This highlights a massive purification and space for higher knowledge and truths to come through.


Here we have the Moon conjunct the South Node of the Moon which highlights our collective past together.

You can watch the nodal video on this 18 month time period here

As Sagittarius is mutable fire, we are being asked to cleanse, transmute and purify our past.

Higher truth, higher laws and galactic knowledge is coming through to assist in the release of non-truths, doctrines, dogma and political/societal mis-truths.

Jupiter is freshly in Pisces and making a square to this Lunar Eclipse, which is a T Square

Look to where the first 8 degrees of the mutable signs fall in your natal chart, if you need a full chart reading you can set one up with Abigail here.

This Lunar Eclipse wants us to C-H-A-N-G-E and let go so when we go into the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse on June 10th we can set the new cycle and flourish in the light of our own truth..

This is the final total eclipse in Sagittarius on the South Node for the next 18 years, detoxify as much as you can to expand into your truth.


The Sun is newly in Gemini and Mercury is preparing to go retrograde three days after this Full Moon Eclipse, which I will have more on soon.

Iā€™m so excited to journey with you all at this time, please join us from June 1st-June 11th

Abigail Barella