Karmic New Moon Partial Eclipse in Capricorn
Tools, Motivation, Many Moons, horoscopes, Healing, AstrologyAbigail Barellanew moon in capricorn, Partial Solar Eclipse, 2019 astrology, 2019, Astrological Chart Readings, Astrology coach, New Moon
Astrological Overview for 2019
Full Moon in Cancer
Tools, Motivation, Many Moons, horoscopes, Healing, AstrologyAbigail Barellaastrology for 2018, full moon, full moon cancer, cancer full moon, astrology for december
New Moon in Sagittarius
Gemini Full Moon Vibes
Mercury Retrograde November 16th-December 6th
Jupiter in Sagittarius 11/2018-12/2019. What it means for you!
New Moon in Scorpio
Full Moon in Taurus
New Moon in Libra
Cosmic Connections Episode Two
Cosmic Connections Episode One
Full Moon in Aries
New Moon in Virgo
Horoscopes for Virgo Season
Practical Transcendance at the Pisces Full Moon
Astrology, Healing, Many Moons, Motivation, Tools, horoscopesAbigail Barellapisces full moon, astrology for pisces full moon, pisces full moon 2018, astrology kite formation, pisces moon, astrology for august
New Moon Partial Eclipse in Cancer
Healing, horoscopes, Many Moons, Motivation, Tools, AstrologyAbigail Barellaeclipse astrology, Eclipse 2018, Cancer New Moon, New Moon Eclipse, Partial Solar Eclipse
Horoscopes for Cancer Season
Gemini Super New Moon
Astrology, Healing, Many Moons, Motivation, ToolsAbigail Barellaastrologer, astrology for 2018, gemini new moon, gemini new super moon, new moon astrology, gemini new moon astrology
Chiron from Pisces to Aries